Terms of Use

1. We hope you find this pay calculator useful, but we cannot guarantee that it is 100% accurate. Discrepancies between your pay slip and a pay report generated by this calculator may arise for many reasons, including payroll errors, errors in shift entry, backdated payroll entries and ambiguity in the Doctors in Training Enterprise Agreement.

2. The calculator does not include some entitlements such as travel allowances when on rotation (e.g. flights) or annual leave based on more than 38 average worked hours per week.

3. Overtime can be calculated on a 'per pay period' basis (i.e. ordinary weekly hours will be averaged over the pay period), or on a weekly basis (i.e. all hours per week in excess of ordinary weekly hours will be treated as overtime). Ask your hospital which method is used to calculate your pay.

4. The calculator does not provide for deductions from gross pay such as tax or car parking.

5. Please contact us if you identify any calculation errors.

6. If you find this site useful, please consider "buying us a coffee" via the link. It will help cover the costs of keeping the site online. Our iOS app provides other helpful features, such as calendar sync, roster checking and telephone call tracking for on-call shifts, for a monthly or yearly subscription.

Privacy Policy

1. We do not keep any information that may personally identify users of this site.

2. We do not provide user email addresses or any other data collected via this site to third parties.

3. We do not send emails to users except in response to support requests.